Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Pakistan rejects Washington Post's assertions on nuke materials transfer

ISLAMABAD, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- Pakistan on Tuesday rejected a report in the Washington Post claiming that "Pakistani scientist depicts more advanced nuclear program in North Korea."

    Pakistan's Foreign Office Spokesman Abdul Basit stated that the assertions and insinuations made in the story are baseless.

    He said that Pakistan at no point in time authorized transfers of nuclear related materials.
    "In fact the so-called A.Q. Khan proliferation network was effectively dismantled and all relevant information shared with the IAEA and concerned states," said the spokesman.
    Abdul Qadeer Khan, known as A.Q. Khan, is a Pakistani nuclear scientist, widely regarded as the founder of Pakistan's nuclear program and involved in supplying the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Iran and Libya with materials related to uranium enrichment.
    Basit said the Pakistani government also devised and continued to implement a foolproof safety and security regime for nuclear-related materials.
    "In short, A.Q. Khan is a closed chapter. There is no point over dramatizing the A.Q. Khan related stories which are more fiction than facts," the spokesman added.

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