Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dismiss General Kiyani to save Pakistan

By: Earthman, International Professor

Now the time has come to kick out all leading generals involved in crimes
against Pakistan and its public. The list of their crimes is very long and
current wave of terrorism sponsored by imperialists' looks like last nail in
the coffin of sovereignty of Pakistan, unfortunately first line of defense
under command of army generals has already sold their loyalties to overseas
lords. Entire bunch of Generals promoted and appointed by Musharraf must be
replaced immediately than there would be any possibility for survival of
Pakistan as a country; otherwise it is not too far that our country will
fall into hands of invaders, God forbid.
Please don't pity on orphan like face of General Kiyani usually seen
standing behind criminals like Zardari and Gaillani in media images, or
posing himself as most humble servant of Zardari and Gaillani type
criminals. In fact he is master mind in operating entire Government
mechanism and responsible for pushing Pakistan into civil war. Not a single
Corpse commander or any general sitting at GHQ has any wisdom or tenderness
for peoples of Pakistan. Vicious cycle of butchery either by Americans,
Pakistan army or insurgents is exclusively against peoples of Pakistan and a
result of silly planning of the army generals. Whereas Gen. Kiyani is a
criminal who has sold his faith for the sake of dollars, he is not capable
to lead Pakistan army, and he is established agent of the CIA and co-partner
of the Musharraf in his crimes against humanity.
It is very simple to judge dirty role of the Kiyani since he was head of ISI
and now Chief of the army. Think who has released missing Balouch citizens a
few days ago before Eid? Who is behind kidnapping of 15000 citizens that are
still missing? All missing persons are in the custody of ISI since many
years. Moreover who let handed over air force bases to the foreigners? Who
is involved in embezzlement of the $ 16 billion US dollars? Who is operating
drones from inside Pakistan? In each case army generals are directly
involved in crimes.
It was Gen. Kiyani who negotiated the NRO with the criminals involved in
murders, loot, plunders, terrorism and brawls. On what constitutional
grounds and under which law he had the authority to discuss NRO with Benazir
and Zardari type criminals. At least twenty current top generals have sold
their faith to Americans for the sake of money; list of retired generals is
also very long. There is no account for worth billions money received on the
name of bounties after selling citizens, in whose pocket that amount has
gone? Today Pakistan is burning in fire and global community is guessing
either it would take shape of the Algiers or next Iraq, Lebanon or
Afghanistan soon after direct intrusion of NATO inside Pakistani borders. By
and large situation of Pakistan is worse than Iraq, where Pakistan army is
joyfully welcoming invaders and its politicians are praying for longer stay
of NATO forces in Afghanistan and GHQ is involved in drone attacks and
terrorist activities.
Wide spread mutiny is a result of cruelty and barbarism that has pushed
peoples to rise against army to revenge for atrocities against their love
ones. There is a series of massacres and overall situation is worse than
Rwanda, army and air force is jumping on civilians like mad wild animals
with the help of sophisticated weapons. Ask them to show us under grounds
tunnels in Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa which were linked to Waziristan, there
was no underground tunnel at all. Generals are liars and corrupt and hungry
of dollars, don't trust on their lies. If you may count entire number of
troops killed at Swat, Waziristan or Baluchistan 99% are ethnic Pushtoon.
Whereas most Generals are Punjabi, belonging to Jhelum, Gujar Khan, Chakwal
and Gujrat areas, on other hand entire civilian population either murdered,
kidnapped or tortured by ISI and MI is composed of Deobandi factions. It is
genocide on the basis of ethnic and religious hatred, true picture of
individual massacres and intensity of mass killings is in hundreds.
Wave of bomb blasts from Peshawar to Quetta is engineered by agencies under
patronage of their overseas lords. Simple question is where are those
suicide bombers, terrorists and foreigners captured by army and reported in
the press. Not a single person has been handed over to civil administration
to date or presented in the courts, there is no doubt that agencies are
continuously using those so called terrorists against public of Pakistan to
divide peoples, generate hate and to collect sympathies of public for
camouflaging their own crimes. It is a dilemma that Pakistan is the only
country where local public did not trust on its army, neither anyone is
ready to believe on propaganda of army. If it is wrong, go to public and ask
who is behind any terrorist activity, everyone will raise finger towards
foreign agents, why? It is worst example of lack of trust on army
information cell and Pakistani media. Because Pakistan army is quiet wrong
in justifying war against its own peoples and it is fighting on weak
footings. In principal law and order is duty of civil administration, if
civilian government is not capable of politically managing the masses, so
those must be removed and a chance to other politicians may be given.
From day one since the invasion of Jamia Hafsa, actions of army generals are
wrong. Swat invasion was engineered by army with the collaboration of
anti-Pakistan groups for sucking American dollars. TNSM never invaded on
Swat or occupied Malakand Division by force, question is who brought out
Chief of TNSM from the prison, who negotiated and declared their movement
peaceful, chief of TNSM had been moving in official vehicles and
helicopters, everything was fine but soon after angry statements of U.S.
administration against Nizam e Adal, army started to funnel billions to
media channels for propaganda purposes to justify invasions.
There is no doubt that current wave of terrorism against innocent peoples of
Pakistani including army officials killed in bomb blasts or suicide attacks
is based on incapability of army generals and entire blood of innocent
peoples either killed by army or terrorism incidences lies on the shoulders
of General Kiyani, Corpse commanders and officials sitting at GHQ. We have
no doubt that Joint Chief, Army Chief, DG's of ISI, MI, Military Operations
and IG Frontier Constabulary and corpse commander Rawalpindi, Mangla,
Peshawar and secretary Defense are on pay role of CIA. Those are puppets and
have no sympathies with Pakistan except making money.
If anyone wants to save Pakistan so think patiently to kick out entire mafia
appointed by imperialists including Generals, Zardari and Gaillani along
with their cronies. Don't trust hungry and naked journalists travelling in
army helicopters and trying to misguide peoples. Mullahs are also playing
dirty role as usual who have notoriety of being on pay role of the CIA. The
GHQ, the President and Prime Minister Houses are main source of power for
criminals and thugs. We don't know Al Kaeda is name of which animal, neither
have we seen any Taliban in our entire life. But we know one thing very
clear that peoples killed by Pakistan army and Americans are Pakistani
citizens and the peoples killed in terrorist activities are also Pakistanis.
It was absolutely not duty of Pakistan army to act on the advice of corrupt
politicians, implanted by imperialists and inducted in the system along with
their criminal records. It is a matter of shame for army generals in
providing protection to corrupt politicians. Altaf Husain was pardoned under
the NRO against 74 terrorist acts, same as Zardari, Rahman Malik, Fauzia
Gaillani and Yousuf Raza Gaylani committed worst crimes in the history of
Pakistan have been provided safe sanctuary.
Violence brings violence, and the role of agencies in humiliating and
kidnapping of women, children and senior relatives of so called insurgents
has flared up the situation, moreover killing of one person from any family
means producing twenty active revenge seekers, because our culture is based
on family system, and nobody cares about propaganda of army information
cells or Pakistani media because majority has no access to TV channels to
listen fabricated stories and so called sacrifices of army for the sake of
Moreover it was great mistake of army in creation of Brelvi Lashkars,
supporting Mahdi army, exclusively killings of Deobandi factions and target
killings of ethnic Pushtoon. It has divided nation forever and civil war has
taken very dangerous turn, on one side uncivilized Yankees of Obama with
allied Christian crusaders inching to jump on Pakistan, and on other hand
every imperialist power is signing long terms defense pacts with India.
Whereas Zardari an agent of CIA and MI6, true copy of Zalamy Khalilzad is
conspiring against defense of Pakistan, moreover the ambassadors of Pakistan
at New York, Washington and London are not only foreign citizens but agents
of Anglo-Americans as well; in such circumstances future of Pakistan is very
Now time has come to kick out all puppets of Anglo-Americans from the GHQ,
President and Prime Minister Houses, particularly General Kiyani is
incapable of leading Pakistan army. Foreign agents and terrorists who are
killing peoples in the mosques, institutions and on roads are residing in
safe heavens provided by Army and Air Force at their bases and the
cantonments. Presence of foreigner or so called trainers at different army
centers is not a secret, and on the name of intelligence sharing ISI
officials are sitting not only with CIA but Khad and Raw are also their
Pakistan is in wrong hands, its President, Prime Minister, Army Chief, Head
of ISI and secretary Defense are on pay role of CIA and MI6 and needs an
immediate kick. It is a war based on ethnic and religious hatred and
engineered by black sheep in media, lesbian scholars, and prostitution and
alcoholic gangs.

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