Friday, May 27, 2011

Naval base PNS Mehran was sold like Shamsi air base

International Professor

Some months ago U.S. administration awarded “Legion of Merit” to Admiral Noman Bashir, people astonished that what kind of links Pakistan Navy has with war of terror, because Pakistan’s areas chosen by U.S. for operational purposes like Swat, Malakand and FATA or outside Pakistan like Afghanistan have no links with sea.

Most people are not aware of the fact that Pakistan Navy is fighting U.S. war of terror like Pakistan army and Pakistan air force devotedly and its mercenaries services are mostly outside boundaries of Pakistan.

According to Associated Press dated: Jan 04, 2011 the Air Chief Marshall Rao Qamar Suleman addressing the 94th officers commissioning parade held at Pakistan Naval Academy (PNA) on Monday said “The geo-political situation has undergone radical changes especially over the past few years. Pakistan today stands committed in the war against terrorism”. He commended participation of Pakistan Navy in Coalition Maritime Campaign Plan (CMCP). He said that the opportunity to command Combined Task Force -150 four times by PN is a testimony of their professional excellence. Pakistan Navy has been entrusted with the onerous command of Combined Task Force 151 in the Gulf of Aden and Somali Basin to deter and disrupt piracy for the benefit of all nations.

What is Combined Task Force 150 & 151?

The Combined Task Force 150 was established under doctrine of Operation Enduring Freedom in 2001, including naval forces from U.S., France, Germany, Italy, Pakistan, and the United Kingdom. The major assignments to task force are together with maritime security operations in the Gulf of Oman, Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea, and the Indian Ocean.
In 2004 the US Defence approved seven P-3C Orion aircrafts with the cost of round US $ one billion, two of these were delivered in April 2010, total current strength was between 5-7, out of two destroyed in yesterday’s terrorist attack. Siege of Iranian navy is also an unwritten assignment.

Other activities:

Following few media reports confirms that Pakistan Navy was under control of Fifth U.S. fleet stationed at Bahrain.

July 15, 2007: Pakistan Navy to take charge of Combined Task Force 150 in Gulf. This would be for the second time that Pakistan would get the command of Combined Task Force 150 (CTF-150) of the Coalition Maritime Campaign Plan on Aug 1 for four months.

While two other units handle the Gulf, CTF-150s 15 vessels also patrol an area that includes the Gulf of Oman, the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea and parts of the Indian Ocean.

November 04, 2011: Admiral Noman Bashir, was the chief guest on the occasion. “Coalition Maritime Campaign Plan and CTF-151 is a step towards regional and global security”. The Naval Chief said that Pakistan is committed to root out terrorism from the country.
Earlier, Commander Pakistan Fleet Vice Admiral Abbas Raza while giving a detailed account of fleet activities apprised that during 2010, PN ships conducted exercises with various navies including France, USA, UK, Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia.

BBC: Personnel from a Plymouth-based Royal Navy warship have been training with the Pakistan Navy. HMS Cornwall and the Pakistan warship PNS Shahjahan met in the Gulf of Aden in the Arabian Sea. HMS Cornwall is involved in sea security throughout the Middle East, and crews from both warships exchanged skills when they met.

March 09. 2011: The speakers added that Pakistan was the only regional country to have been entrusted with the command of Combined Task Force 151 (CTF) 151 in addition to that of CTF 150. The overall goal was to ensure security of sea lanes and the overall maritime commons for safe use by all nations, they said.

Pakistan Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Abbas Raza said that Pakistan Navy’s initiative of multinational exercise Aman-11 was an effort that would surely improve response, tactics and procedures to enhance interoperability in joint operating environment. The exercise was focused on combating and countering all illegal activities, particularly in North Arabian Sea which was very critical to future energy security and served as lifeline of world energy economies, he added.

Admiral Abbas said that crime and terrorism were not confined to specific boundaries rather their effects were felt all over the world. This also has the potential to create an impact on maritime trade of the region and of the world. He said that use of sea routes by terrorists, human trafficking, smuggling and piracy were major concerns

PNS Mehran attack:

PNS Mehran has facilitation of P3C Orion, the Atlantic, the Fokker, the Sea King and the Alouette.

We don’t know what intentions terrorists might have while destroying Pak Navy’s precious aircrafts. However it surprises everyone that even after terrorist attack and commandos operation was not yet completed but some TV channels pointed finger toward “Taliban”, and within next 12 hrs Interior Minister blamed Taliban as well. Here I don’t want to mention operational details because almost all leading channels are providing information.

On 23rd May the situation became foggier when Admiral Noman Bashir refused to accept that terrorists wanted to destroy aircrafts. Some defence analysts pointed finger towards Indian RAW. Interior Minister did not disclose identity of dead terrorists and said that those were Super Man in European dresses, in the same breathe he confidentially told foreign press that terrorists were speaking “Urdu”.

Hysteria of our own war:

I am writing since long that “Civil War” is a curse, and at many occasions appealed to our forces that do not try to push Pakistani citizens to the wall, historically fall of many nations is witness that how civil wars omitted the names of those countries from the map. Peoples did not believe on war of terror, continuous actions of U.S. against sovereignty of Pakistan have created hate against Government, Pakistan army and War of terror as well.

Liberal Fascists, Gay and Lesbian groups, foreign funded NGO’s, alcoholics, druggies and arms dealers acquired reasonable strength during Musharraf era by taking advantage of 911 for making dollars. When Gen. Kiyani was promoted under U.S. arrangements of NRO and later he was granted unlimited extension in service, at that time he was assigned to continue to push Pakistan in civil war, billions of dollars were charged for fighting U.S. war. Zardari and Gilani type criminals have no footings and their all efforts revolve around saving looted monies. Today Pakistan’s all problems, destruction, terrorism and extra judicial affairs are revolving around NRO.

Gen. Kiyani strengthened and collected RAW, KHAD, KGB and CIA agents around him like MQM, ANP and communists of PPP etc. ISI says that Husain Haqqani has issued 7000 visas to American agents. No days goes that nation did not receive hidden revelations, every new day brings fresh anti-state policies of Government of Pakistan or fresh eye-opener WikiLeaks information, confessions of Mush about sale of air force bases, naval and allowing drone etc type issues, presence of CIA operatives in Pakistan and organization of their network in rural areas of Pakistan. After every terrorists attack, nation reveals that some American’s were present at the spot.

There are dozens of rumours spreading like wildfire such as every scholar is pointing finger that Gen. Kiyani and Zardari syndicate feel secure in taking shelter behind alleging Taliban and Al Kaeda after every incidence of terror, because it not only secures flow of dollars but help in strengthen their rule, on other hand media channels immediately broadcast so called taking responsibility from Taliban without any investigation.

Some have firm belief that U.S. or India is behind terrorists activities. There are two theories, first theory about presence of 11 Chinese technicians speculates that presence of Chinese around U.S. supplied aircrafts irritated U.S., and U.S. destroyed those aircrafts. Second theory says that since Mehran Naval Base was leased to Americans and presence of six Americans invited terrorists to attack on the base.

In another theory India was allergic with surveillance of Indian Ocean and RAW had an eye on naval surveillance capability. Liberal fascists and Zardari mafia has long desire that Pakistan army may strike with Al Kaeda, and that is what Hussain Haqqani and Kiyani likes. There is a deep sectarian abhorrence and Shia-Sunni gulf is also behind military operations. In this connection Hussain Haqqani, Faisal Raza Abidi, Najam Sethi and Nusrat Javed type anchors and politicians are also behind flaring up situation. All above groups by heart desire to engage army in operations.

Conclusion: Current propaganda soon after Abbotabad incidence that 35, 000 persons have been killed by Taliban and Al Kaeda is misleading. In fact above 100,000 persons have been killed in army operations, terrorist actions, drones and round 25, 000 citizens are under imprisonment without any trial, 15,000 persons are missing since long. Round about 500,000 army, Para military, police, intelligence and bureaucracy is engaged in fighting U.S. war of terror. Army and air force is busy in killings by jets and helicopters. Above one million displaced persons have been ruined. MQM and ANP have made life of refugees miserable, police is involved to harass displaced peoples. Anarchic, mismanagement, lack of law and order, mistrust, luxurious life style of elite, presence of American boots on soil, foreign trainers or special services commandos has pushed Pakistan to be called as banana republic.

Civil war will not stop up till Government and authorities would seriously accept inhabitants of FATA as Pakistani citizens. All abducted and imprisoned persons must be brought to civil courts. Pakhtoon living at Karachi are provided security. Law and order must be applied equally, human rights must be observed strictly. Politicians must wait for fixing responsible to any group. Media must black out any claim by terrorists up till it is confirmed. We must reduce revenge seekers and stop fighting at a time on different directions.

In my opinion targeting citizens on the basis of ethnicity and sectarianism always pushes large parts of the society to the wall. If anyone says that terrorists are our citizens then think that it is not our war, it is civil war. And civil disobedience requires political solutions not army operations. As my careful observations large segment of society has turned against state and we need immediate political solutions according to desire of general public. Parliament did not represent peoples anymore, it is better to call for fresh elections.

PNS Mehran was on lease like Jacobabad, Shamsi and Tarbela. All hidden agreements must be brought in the knowledge of public without fail.

It is not our war, mercenaries are not our defenders and NRO’d set up is a conspiracy against Pakistan.


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