Thursday, February 26, 2015

Cancer fighting vegetable comparison

The Pink cabbage is better than our own cabbage (bund Gobi) for cancer patient as being claimed does it have any research proof? Red cabbage contains anthocyanidns flavonoid, they act as an antioxidant and protect against some cancers. Anthocyanin is naturally occurring pigment, that give fruit and berries their red, blue and purple color. The anthocyanin presents in red cabbage is documented as anti-inflammatory compound. Red cabbage also contains polyphenols that show anti-inflammatory benefits.

According to new study conducted by researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Services (ARS) and published in the Journal of Agricultural and food chemistry said that red cabbage contains 36 different varieties of anthocyanin, a class of flavonoid phytonutrients that have been linked to protection from cancer.

Cabbage contains numerous substances with suspected or demonstrated cancer fighting properties, including Indole-3-Carbinol (13 C), 3-3’-Diindolylmehtanae (DIM), Sulforaphane, lepeol, singrin and several others glucosinolates.
The red cabbage contains glucosinolate which is converted into isothiocynate compound that is cancer preventive for a variety of different cancer including bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer. Researcher now realizes that different type of cabbage (red, green and savoy) contains different pattern of glucosinolates. The red cabbage also contains vitamin C, manganese, polyphenol a phytonutrients an antioxidant.

Green cabbage contains 50 milligrams of polyphenol in half cup serving. Red cabbage 30 milligrams of the red pigment polyphenol called anthocyanin in each half cup. The antioxidant richness having cancer preventive properties. This anthocyanin have anti-carcinogenic activity, however green cabbage is more chemo preventive than red cabbage. But red cabbage has additional nutritional benefits and have better flavored. So it gets preference on green cabbage. The red cabbage has more concentration of anthocyanin polyphenol and having significantly more protective phytonutrients than green cabbage. The anthocyanin pigment has large number of health benefits. It acts as dietary anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and having protective, preventive and therapeutic role in number of human diseases.

A recent study showed that 100 grams (about 3 ounce) serving of raw red cabbage delivers 196.5 milligrams of polyphenol, of which 28.3 milligrams are anthocyanin. Green cabbage yield much less 100 grams contains 45 milligrams of polyphenol including 0.01 milligrams of anthocyanin. The vitamin C equivalent a measure of antioxidant capacity, of red cabbage is also 6 to 8 times higher than green cabbage. So red cabbage is more nutritious having better flavor and eye appeal.

The red cabbage contains glucoraphanin. Derived isothiocynate is sulforaphane, abbreviation SFN. While green cabbage contains glucotropaeolin. Derived isothiocyante is benzyl-isothiocynate. BITC.
Because phytochemical their number and complexity in chemical process. Researchers have difficulty to locate which phytochemicals in food may fight cancer and other diseases, which one have no effect and which one is harmful. Most of phytochemical work on cancer risk is doe in the laboratory studies are compelling to make strong case for further research. So far none of the findings are conclusive. It is still un-certain, which of the many phytochemical in fruit and vegetable helps in the body to fight cancer and other diseases.

Researchers are working on phytochemical supplement. Some laboratory studies in cell culture and animal have shown that certain phytochemicals have some activity against cancer cell or tumor. But at this time there have been no strong studies in human showing that any phytochemical supplement can prevent or treat cancer.

Much of the evidence has comes from observation of cultures in which the diet comes mainly from plant sources and which seems to have lower rate of certain type of cancer. A study shows that relatively low rate of breast cancer and endometrial cancer in some Asian culture and credited at-least in part to dietary habit. These cancers are much more common in the United States. Possibly because the typical American diet is higher in fat, low in fruits and vegetables, legumes, grains. Part of the lower risk in Asian culture is likely due to other factors .Such as lower obesity rate and more exercise.

It is concluded that a balance diet with food from variety of plant source is likely to more effective in reducing cancer risk than consuming large amount of few phytochemicals. Today epidemiological studies provide evidence that diet rich in cruciferous vegetables are associated with lower risk of several type of cancer, according to Oregon State University. Cabbage is particularly look promising, boosting numerous cancers, preventive properties, including antioxidant and glucosinolates.

Does green broccoli is good for cancer patient than our ordinary cauliflower ( phool Gobi).

Broccoli is better than cauliflower in caner fighting properties because broccoli has highest level of carotenoids in the brassica family. It is particularly rich in lutein and also a modest amount of beta-carotene.

Both broccoli and cauliflower and cabbage belong to the cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetable are rich in nutrients including several carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxantin), vitamin C, E, and K, folate and minerals. They also are good fiber sources. They also contain glucosinolates. This responsible for the pungent aroma and bitter flavor of cruciferous vegetable. During food preparation chewing and digestion of glucosinolates in cruciferous vegetables are broken down to form biologically active compound such as indoles, nitrites, thiocynates and isothiocynates, indol-3-carbinol (an indole) and sulforaphanse (an isothiocyantes) are having anti-cancerous properties.
Indole and isothiocyantes have been found to inhibit the development of cancer in several organs in rat and mice. Including bladder, breast, colon, liver, lung and stomach. Studies in animal and experiment with cell growth in the laboratory have identified several potent ways in which these compounds may help prevent cancer.

Research at the Linus Pauling Institute of Oregon State University have found that broccoli have sulforaphane compound. One study says that broccoli sprouts have more than 50 times the amount of sulforaphane than found in the mature broccoli. Due to this compound it prevent against prostate and colon cancer.

Emily Ho, a researcher with Linus Pauling Institute and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Exercise Science at OSU. Said drug classified as histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors are being looked as potentially preventing cancer. She said their research show that this same effect of HDAC might be obtained by consumption of cruciferous vegetable. The compound in broccoli may be one for the strongest anti-cancer fighter we have she said.
The protein epithiospecifer protein has been grabbing sulfur and greatly depleting the amount of sulforaphan in a serving of broccoli.

It is still un-clear whether the phytochemicals in broccoli have benefit on their own or whether it is a vitamin C, beta-carotene, folate and other compounds working together and in the right quantities that might protect people against cancer.
Another laboratory study shows that Indol-3-carbinol (13C) this help to stop their growth of beast, prostrate and other cancers. Some early study in animals has shown similar results. Small studies in human have found that it may prevent the development of pre-cancerous growth in the cervix as well as growth called papilloma in the throat.

Laboratory and animal studies have suggested that certain compounds in broccoli may have anti-cancer properties. These type of studies can suggest possible helpful effect by they do not provide any proof that such effect can be achieved in human. Further studies are needed to find out whether possible anti-cancer properties could benefit human.

The best advice at this time to reduce cancer risk is to eat a wide variety of vegetables. It is responsible to include broccoli as a part of balance diet mentioned by cancer organization.

Does yellow red capsicum better than green capsicum (Shimla mirchi) in food value?

The yellow red capsicum (chillies) has burning sensation from a group of compound called “Capsaicinoids”. Capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vinnllyl-6-nonenamide) .This shows anti-cancer properties. In addition to pungent capsaicinoids, chillies also contain carotenoid in large quantities. So this compound is responsible for its orange and red color. This compound having strong anti-oxidant properties that protect the body against cancer. Red chillies also contain beta-carotene, essential oils, and large amount of pro-vitamin A. A single pod of red chillies contains full day supply of beta-carotene and nearly twice the recommended daily allowance for vitamin C. This makes chillies and invaluable food to fight against cancer. The capsaicin content of some chillies varies range up to 0.53%.

A team of U.S cancer scientist found in test on mice that capsaicin could provoke apoptosis or programmed cell death in the cells behind prostate cancer. Scientist at Saemuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute at Cedars- Sinai. Medical center in Los Angles, the test showed the potential of repressing the growth of the cancer cells in human.” Capsaicin had a profound anti-proliferative effect on human prostate cancer cell in culture “said the Institute’s Soren Lehman.

Lehman research team found that capsaicin interfered with the cancer cells, ability to avoid apoptosis, which occur normally in many tissues as they replace aged cell with new one.

The lot of work has done to look at the chemotherapeutic potential of capsaicin. Most of the findings are done either in test tube or animals studies only but following work done on human:

Research from Mexico National Institute of Public Health conducts a survey to check if the intake of capsaicin (chilli pepper) increases the risk of gastric cancer. The capsaicin amount study by gas chromatography and conclude the study that gastric cancer linked to the high concentration of capsaicin.

Work done on gastric, liver cancer in four sub-population groups. Researchers from the University of Utah found that significant higher amount of stomach and liver cancer in countries inhibited by these four ethnic cultural groups than in matched control countries.

Work on esophageal cancer in Northern Iran in which researchers from Sungkayunkwan University Korea proposed that capsaicin alter the metabolism of chemical carcinogens and may promote carcinogenesis at high doses.
The study of stomach cancer in Trivandrum. India reach in a conclusion that increased risk were associated with higher consumption of chillies. The work was done on gall bladder cancer in India. The researcher evaluated their dietary habits and they found an increased in the odd with consumption of capsaicin. The other study shows that excessive consumption of capsaicin (hot pepper chillies) is linked to gastric cancer. It is not sure if capsaicin is carcinogenic or anti-cancer but there are some indications that large consumption of hot pepper chilli (capsaicin) is linked to stomach cancer.

Bell pepper (Shimla mirchi) it has second position after red chillies because it have limited amount of compound capsaicin. But it contains 30 carotenoids, including lycopene, alpha-carotene, cryptoxanthin, beta-carotene, lutein and zeanthin and rich in flavonoids, like luteolin, hesperidin and quercetin. Bell pepper has large number of anti-oxidants. The combination of their oxidant potency, along with their high level of folate, vitamin A, dietary fiber, vitamin E and vitamin B6 makes bell pepper one of the most effective weapon against cancer and cardiovascular disease, eye disorder and diabetes.

Apigenin is another compound of bell pepper that may reduce breast cancer risk associated with hormone replacement therapy. There are many studies showing that the nutrient found in bell pepper possess strong anti-cancer. But it is confirmed that yellow red capsicum is better than bell pepper (Shimla Mirchi.).

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